Terms and Conditions

Privacy Matters to You and Us

We take your privacy and security while you browse our website seriously: The server, at diplomastoday.com, Recognizes no information regarding the domain or e-mail address unless that information is surrendered voluntarily by the user. We never retrieve data from users or visitors who browse DiplomasToday, unless it is voluntarily surrendered during an inquiry via our contact form, or in the process of making a purchase. We store your e-mail address, and any additional information you provide, only if you are an actual client who placed an order and provided this data to us. Any information we receive, when you place an order, is deleted permanently from our system ninety days after you receive your purchase.

Sorry, No Cookies

We do not set cookies for data tracking. With respect to Ad Servers: We never partner with any ad services. We do
not share any information outside of our network.

Information We do Collect

On enrollment, and/or purchase pages, you can order high school diplomas, transcripts and secondary school certificates, make requests, and register to receive high school materials. The types of personal information collected at these pages may not be limited to: Name, Address, Date of Birth, Email Address, Phone Number, Life experience and education, Current position at company, Length of Employment, Mailing Address.

Website and Product Use, Terms and Condition

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